Paul Houx is an experienced creative developer of eye-popping, jaw-dropping installations, presentations and games.

Welcome to my portfolio website!

I am thrilled to have you here, taking a glimpse into my creative world. My portfolio showcases a diverse array of projects, each a testament to my expertise in leveraging C++ and computer graphics to transform complex ideas and stories into elegant and intuitive experiences. Whether it's visualizing intricate datasets, creating seamless user interfaces, or constructing dynamic simulations, I aim to captivate and inspire audiences with the possibilities that technology and creativity can unlock. I strive to create work that not only catches the eye but also sparks curiosity and engages on a deeper level.

I believe that creativity knows no bounds, and I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my horizons. As you navigate through my portfolio, I hope you find inspiration and a sense of connection with the stories I've brought to life.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio website. If you have any inquiries, collaboration proposals, or just want to say hello, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear from you!

Let's embark on this creative journey together.

Some of my latest work